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standard bearer中文是什么意思

用"standard bearer"造句"standard bearer"怎么读"standard bearer" in a sentence


  • 倡导者


  • He is the standard bearer of those who still keep faith in the status quo
    注: standard bearer ,旗手,如鲁迅是文学革命的旗手
  • They are part of your multidimensional self , and you are the standard bearer , and you are light
  • Gelmelzwaaiers flag waving group consists of 14 standard bearers and a drummer who accompanies the guild
  • The tradition is being continued by a talented track and field team with current olympic champion female sprinter veronica campbell and world record holder asafa powell as standard bearers
  • Then our glorious and laudable army , the old , proud , standard bearers of our people who are equally tradition minded will champion the political leadership and the party
用"standard bearer"造句  
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